“From Dreams to Reality”
Positively, fundamentally & financially changing lives of underserved youth everywhere.
Positively, fundamentally & financially changing lives of underserved youth everywhere.
There are many studies that suggest participating in sports can be very positive and beneficial to youth, leading to greater academic success, developing responsible social behaviors, and also encouraging an appreciation for personal health and fitness.
Team sports give youth an important sense of belonging with the atmosphere set by organizations, coaches and parents being a major factor in whether the youth will have a positive experience in a sports program or not.
As of 2017, only 34.1% of youth whose families had an average income of $25,000 or lower played a team sport compared to 44.6% of youth in a household with income ranging $25,000 -$49,999. Both significantly less than the 69% of youth participating from households making over $100,000. (aspenprojectplay.org)
$2,266. Thee amount travel-team parents annually spend on their child's sports participation
$20,000 + Money spent by parents at the elite levels.
"The barriers to participation emerge early, with the rise of grade-school travel teams and elite sport training options not accessible to many lower-income kids."
In 2015, about 1 in 3 parents or 32% from households making less than $50,000 a year told researchers that sports cost too much make it difficult for their child to continue participating compared to 1 in 6 parents (16%) from households making $50,000 a year or more.
In "low socio-economic schools", or those that serve the highest percentage of kids on free or reduced-price lunches, only 24.6% of 8th graders play sports, compared to to 36.1% in "high socio-economic schools".
95% of Fortune 500 executives participated in high school athletics.
96% of dropouts in 14 school districts in 7 regions of the nation weren't participating in an athletic program. (athleteassessments.com)
Today's complex youth sport system requires significant resources to develop athletes, and to play competitive sports.
This organization was founded to honor the work and passion of Mr. Brian Roy Webster who tragically passed away in the summer of 2018. Webster's passion included coaching youth sports. In efforts to carry on that passion, this organization seeks to empower young athletes, turning pain into passion, and turning passion into inspiration to those we support for generations to come.
Contribute to the goals and success of countless young athletes through high level competition and various sports.
Our amazing team of volunteers is growing and love influencing the lives of youth. Think you would be a good fit? Contact us!
Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Sign up to hear from us about volunteering, fundraising, and events.
Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125
Copyright © 2018 Webbo's All-Stars 501(c)3 - All Rights Reserved.